PLI RPLI Mela, Camps, Drives Dates in 2022-23 | Holding/Scheduling of PLI/RPLI Camps/Melas/drives during FY 2022-23 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PLI RPLI Mela, Camps, Drives Dates in 2022-23 | Holding/Scheduling of PLI/RPLI Camps/Melas/drives during FY 2022-23

Government of India

Ministry of Communications, Department of Posts


Chanakyapuri Post Office Complex, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021

No. 39-02/2022-LI Dated: 20.07.2022

Subject: Holding of PLI/RPLI Camps/Melas/drives during FY 2022-23 - reg

PLI RPLI Mela Dates in 2022-2023 in PDF

This is regarding holding of camps/melas/procurement drives by Circles for procuring PLI and RPLI business during the financial year 2022-23.

2. The schedule of new business procurement drives/melas for PLI and RPLI for the period August 2022 to March 2022 of FY 2022-23 has been fixed as under: 


PLI Mela Dates

RPLI Mela Dates

August 2022   

10.08.2022 & 24.08.2022

12.08.2022 & 25.08.2022

September 2022  

07.09.2022 & 21.09.2022

09.09.2022 & 22.09.2022

October 2022  

12.10.2022 & 26.10.2022

12.10.2022 & 27.10.2022

November 2022

09.11.2022 & 23.11.2022

10.11.2022 & 24.11.2022

December 2022  

07.12.2022 & 21.12.2022

08.12.2022 & 22.12.2022

January 2023  

04.01.2023 & 18.01.2023

05.01.2023 & 19.01.2023

February 2023

01.02.2023 & 15.02.2023

01.02.2023 & 16.02.2023

March 2023

09.03.2023 & 10.03.2023

24.03.2023 & 24.03.2023

(*- PLI Day during National Postal Week 2022)

3 It is requested that activities/drives for FS/PBI may be scheduled on dates other than the ones specified in the table above so that there is no clash in the dates.

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