MCQs on Postal Manual Volume 6 Part 1 | Quiz Questions and Answers on Postal Manual Volume VI Part 1 | LGO Exam MCQ Set [47] - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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MCQs on Postal Manual Volume 6 Part 1 | Quiz Questions and Answers on Postal Manual Volume VI Part 1 | LGO Exam MCQ Set [47]

MCQs On Postal Manual Volume 6 Part 1 ,Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Postal Manual Volume VI Part 1. SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.


1. A nominal roll on similar lines may also be maintained for Postman and village postman in offices where their strength is more than___________.

A 15

B 10

C 25

D 20




2. Nominal rolls should be written up by the ___________ whenever a change either temporary or permanent is made to the duty of any member of the office.

A Deputy Postmaster

B Postmaster

C Clerk Assigned for Miscellaneous work

D Assistant Postmaster




3. A Nominal roll of the clerical staff should be maintained in form________ in each office to serve as a record of the clerks actually at work on any given day.

A MS 12

B MS 11

C MS 13

D MS 14




4. In case of sudden illness or in the absence of clerks on casual leave temporary arrangements may be made by the Postmaster to carry on the absentees duties.The arrangements being Noted in the:

A Postmaster diary

B Postmaster order book

C Office suggestion book

D MDW Maintenance book




5. Whenever any changes needed in the MDW, The Postmaster can:

A Cannot be changed

B Can be changed with the order of Divisional Head

C Can Change on his Discretion

D None of these




6. MDW should be __________inside the post office

A Pasted on the Board & Hung

B Pasted on the Board

C Hung

D None of these



7. MDW should show: i) The Designations of the officials employed ii) The hours of employees attendance iii) The details of duties assigned to employees iv) The work assigned details of Postmaster

A i & ii

B ii & iii

C All i,ii,iii & iv

D i,ii & iii




8. Memorandum of Distribution of work to be prepared in the Form_______

A MS 11

B MS 12

C MS 21

D MS 53




9. The Postmaster should submit MDW to _________for the approval.

A Director Postal Service

B Head of the Region

C Head of the Division

D Head of the Circle



10. Memorandum of Distribution of work is issued in offices where there are _________ clerk working

A More than two

B One or More

C Two

D None of these



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