The undersigned is directed to forward the DoP&T 's O.M. No.11013/1/2016-Estt.A-Ill dated 27.02.2020 (copy enclosed) for strict and immediate compliance.
2. As per the above OM of DOPT dated 27.02.2020, the Government servant, who intends to be elected as an office-bearer of a Service Association, has to seek prior permission under Rule 15(1)(c) of CCS (Conduct) Rules. 1964.
While applying for prior permission. the Government servant shall furnish the details of’ the offices in any elective body (i.e. Association/Federation/any other elective body including Postal Service Association/ Federation etc.) he has held till that date in his entire career (format enclosed).
The applicant shall submit a self-declaration also certifying veracity of the information he has furnished as per format. In case information submitted (whole or part) is found to be incorrect later, appropriate action for violation of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 will be initiated against the official concerned.
3. The application for prior permission shall be processed in a time bound manner as under
(a) For Bodies Up to Regional and Circle Level
(i) The Government Servant shall apply for prior permission to his controlling authority (Head of Unit where the official is working/posted) in enclosed format at least 30 days before the date of election.
(ii) The controlling authority shall forward it to the Permission Granting Authority for grant of permission or otherwise within a week of receipt of the application. Before forwarding the applications, the controlling authority shall verify service particulars (and vigilance clearance. if required) of the applicant.
(iii) The Permission Granting Authority is as follows:
• For bodies up to Regional Level: Head of the Region.
• For bodies at Circle Level: Head of the Circle (HOC).
B. For Bodies at National level
(i) The Government Servant shall apply for prior permission to concerned controlling officer in the enclosed format at least 45 days before the date of election.
(ii) Controlling Officer after scrutinizing the information shall forward the application through Circle Office along with Verification Certificate (format enclosed) to Director (SR)/ADG(SRJ of the Department for prior permission at least 30 days before the date of the election.
(iii) Member (Personnel) will be the competent authority to grant permission.
4. It is necessary tor the Competent Authority to keep in mind all the relevant factors while granting permission under Rule 15(1)(c) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 as per the guidelines of DOP&T’s OM dated 27.02.2020.
5. In case any deficiency comes to the notice of competent authority after election. the details of such elected office-bearer(s) may be verified and action may be taken against the erring Government Servant accordingly.
6. On part of a Government Servant not obtaining prior permission for holding elective office in any Association, recognized or unrecognized, and also holding any elective office in any Association for more than specific period as prescribed above, would attract action under the provisions of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964.
7. This Office Memorandum should be given wide publicity in order to bring the above instructions to the notice of all concerned in this Department.
This has the approval of the Secretary (Posts).
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