PLI RPLI Agent Incentive into POSB account Implementation through direct credit/disbursement - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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PLI RPLI Agent Incentive into POSB account Implementation through direct credit/disbursement

Sub : Implementation of direct credit/disbursement of PLI/RPLI Agent Incentive into POSB account - reg

Download PLI RPLI Direct Disbursement of agent Incentive/Commission into POSB Account 2023 in PDF

No. PLI-50/1/2023-PLI-DOP Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Directorate of Postal Life Insurance New Delhi — 110021 Date : 18-09-2023 To, All CPMGs

A kind reference is invited to PLI Directorate Letter No. PLI- 50/1/2023-PLI- DOP dated 27-03-2023 & PLI-50/1/2023-PLI-DOP dated 03-08-2023 regarding implementation of direct credit/disbursement of Agent Incentive directly into their POSB accounts. Pilot rollout of this functionality was started on 07.08.2023 and till date it has been rolled out in 12 Circles. During the rollout,certain errors were observed as a result of which, the incentive is either not generated(gone in error side) or is wrongly generated for some Salesforce and DO- PLIs. These discrepancies were highlighted in the above letters and via multiple VCs conducted by PLI Directorate. These discrepancies were supposed to be cleared by Circles by the end of June-2023, but the same have not been sorted by some of the divisions in the circles.

2. The non-completion of these pre-requisites has resulted in below mentioned errors during the rollout :

a) DETAIL Journal Entry data was not located for Contract Holder / Unable to create statement — This error occurs when PLI/RPLI contract schedule has not been configured as ‘monthly’ in an agent profile. As this contract schedule has not been updated, the system has not calculated the incentive for such profiles and sent them on the error side. Further it is also informed that the system will not calculate the incentive for this period when the contract schedule was not configured as “monthly”. In suchcases, divisions have to first update the said contract schedule so that the system starts calculating incentive of such Salesforce.

For the period when the contract schedule was not configured as “monthly”, the divisions have to calculate the incentive manually and disburse the incentive amount toall the Active Salesforce profiles ensuring guard against double payment that went into error side because of non-updation of said contract schedule.

(For example : rollout in a circle was carried out on 20th August 2023 and the contract schedule for a particular Salesforce profile was configured as “monthly” on 25th August 2023. The system will calculate the incentive for this Salesforce profile only from 25th August 2023 onwards. Hence the pending incentive between 18th July 2023 — 25th August 2023 is to be calculated and disbursed manually).

b) Excess incentive generated for DO-PLI — As per the guidelines issued by PLI Directorate with respect to Agent Mapping, it was clearly highlighted that the DO-PLI has to be mapped at Top level in the hicrarchy and Direct Agents are to be mapped at Middle level, but few divisions have mapped the DO-PLI at middle/junior level whichresulted in treatment of these DO-PLI profiles as ‘agent profile’ by the system, till the date of the rectification of this mapping error. Further duc to this error, the system has generated excess incentive. In such cases, the DO-PLI is to be mapped at TOP LEVEL.

Once rectification of the said mapping is compleled, the system will calculate the incentive for DO-PLI correctly, but the excess amount disbursed by the system because of this error has to be recovered from the DO-PLIs. For which, the divisions have to manually calculate the incentive for DO-PLI from 18th July-2023 till the mapping of the DO-PLI profile at Top level. On the basis of this manual calculation, the divisions have to recover the excess amount disbursed to DO-PLI by the system.

(For example : if a DO was mapped at middle level and changed to Top level on 20th August 2023, the system had calculated its incentive treating it as a Salesforce profile from 018th July 2023-20th August 2023. So, in such cases, the divisions have to calculate the incentive of DO-PLI for this period and ensure that the payment made to DO-PLI matches the manually calculated amount, by recovering the excess amount paid by the system).

c ) Incentive to Monitoring Units (Divisional Heads, ASP(HQ) & Sub- divisional Heads and Development Officers ) —Presently, the system calculates the incentive for Salesforce and DO-PLI (in case of Direct Agents Business only). For the incentive payable to Divisional Heads, ASP(HQ), Sub- divisional Heads & DO-PLI (on the Field Officers Business only) the divisions have to calculate and make the incentive payment manually in light of this Directorate Letter No. 28-03/2019-L1 dated 11-07- 2023 regarding Promotional, Incentive & Monitoring Structure of PLI/RPLI

3. This issues with the approval of competent authority of PLI Directorate.

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