MOC Letter on IP ASP Cadre Restructure | Restructuring of the Inspector Posts (IP/ASP) cadre | IP ASP Association Kerala
Dy.No. 657758 /MoC/VIP/2022 12 SEP 2022
Hon’ble Dr. Shashi Tharoor Ji,
This has reference to your D.O. letter No. DO/ST/07/2022/363 dated 24.07.2022 regarding restructuring of Inspector Posts Cadre.
Download MOC Letter on IP ASP Cadre Restructuring in PDF
The same has been sent to the Department for examination and action as appropriate.
Dated July 24, 2022
I write to you today to forward a representation I have received from the Kerala IP ASP Association.
Circle of the All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents of Posts, regarding the long-pending need for the restructuring of the Inspector Posts cadre.
As the representation highlights, the guidelines of conducting cadre restructuring outline the need for the restructuring of a cadre every 5 years. However, the last Inspector Posts Cadre restructuring was conducted in 1979, contrary to the existing recommendations.As I am sure you will agree, such restructuring is the need of the hour considering the needs of the cadre to meet functional requirements, reduce existing stagnation, increase revenue and to improve the career prospects of Inspector Posts. Per the representation, it appears that a cadre restructuring proposal from the Department of Posts was submitted to the Department of Expenditure on 16 April, 2021. However, it also
appears that the DoE had subsequently returned the proposal for resubmission by nullifying the financial implications either by matching savings or by abolition of posts.
I humbly request you to look into this matter at your earliest convenience and kindly consider the grievances of the All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendent of Posts
Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw,
Hon’ble Minister,
Department of Posts,
Government of India,
New Delhi.