How to Download IPPB TaTa AIG Insurance Policy in Two Minutes | Download IPPB TaTa GAG Insurance Policy in PDF through Whatsapp No 9136160375 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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How to Download IPPB TaTa AIG Insurance Policy in Two Minutes | Download IPPB TaTa GAG Insurance Policy in PDF through Whatsapp No 9136160375

Download IPPB TaTA AIG Insurance POLICY in two mins. Download TaTa Health Insurance Policy, General Insurance Policy and Group Accident Insurance Policy. Steps/Procedure to Download IPPB TaTa Insurance Policy as follows:

Click on

 Go to Help Center 

Click on WhatsApp - 9136160375

Send HI! Tata AIG

Many options will pop up 

i) Downloading the policy 

ii) renewal of the policy 

iii)Making changes in the policy etc etc 

 Type ‘download  policy copy’ and send  

 Within 2 mins  policy document will be sent  on WhatsApp. 

Option 2

Once the policy is issued. 

Policy link will be sent via text  from TAGINS 

Pdf copies also have been sent on client email I’d from

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