Printing and supply of Indian Postal Orders (IPOs) | IPOs of denominations of Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5 & Rs. 7 had been discontinued - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Printing and supply of Indian Postal Orders (IPOs) | IPOs of denominations of Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5 & Rs. 7 had been discontinued

Printing and supply of Indian Postal Orders (IPOs)-reg 

Kindly refer to this Division's letter of even no. dated 19.1.2015 on the captioned subject. The following had been instructed vide the ibid. letter Printing of IPOs of denominations of Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5 & Rs. 7 had been discontinued, hence, no indent of these IPOs should be made in future. 

 i. Printing of IPOs of denomination of Rs. 20 had been put on hold due to adequate stock of the same and hence, the indent of this IPO was not allowed to be placed until future orders. Need of the same in any Circle may be fulfilled by supplying the IPOs of denomination of Rs. 20 from the Circles which had surplus stock. 

iii. The printing and supply of the IPOs of denominations of Rs. 10, Rs. 50 & Rs. 100 was allowed on the basis of indents sent by various CSDs for the year 2014-15. 

 2 In continuation of the above letter dated 19.1.2015, it is stated that the directions as mentioned above in points (i) & (ii) stand and should be adhered to strictly until further orders. 

3. Further, in respect of point (i), it is directed that it will be required to take prior approval of this Directorate before placing order of printing by any Circle/ CSD as adequate stock of the same is available in all the Circles/ CSDs as per the information supplied by CEPT. No printing process will be initiated without the prior approval of Directorate. 

4. In case, any Circle CSD is in need of IPOs of any denomination, the same requirement shall be fulfilled by diversion from the Circle/ CSD where surplus stock is available. In case of excess stock or less stock, the other Circles shall be contacted.

The stock position, circle wise, is easily available in CSI. While referring the matter to Directorate, the efforts made to get the stock diverted from other Circles should also be explained 

 5. Details of denomination wise current stock of IPOs with the Circles are enclosed so that all the Circles may be aware of stock position of IPOs in their neighboring and other Circles and get facilitated with respect to carry out exercise as mentioned in para 4 above. Further, procedure to get access to the IPO Stock prevailing in your own Circle enclosed for future requirements. as well as in other Circles is also 

6. It is also reiterated that the stock of lower denominations of lPOs i.e. Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5 & Rs.7 may be disposed of by selling them in combination so that the existing stock is fully utilized and wastage or the need to destroy the same may be avoided. 

 7. This issues with the approval of the competent authority

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