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Guidelines Issued by Directorate on PNOP (Parcel Network Optimization Project) | One India One Parcel | Latest Guidelines on PNOP 2021

One India One Parcel — Guidelines Issued by Directorate on PNOP (Parcel Network Optimization Project)

Urgent- MOC Agenda F. No. 27-06/2021- PD Government of India Ministry of Communication Department of Posts Parcel Directorate  Date:      26.10.2021

This is regarding processing  of Speed Post Parcels in Parcel hubs of all the Circles.

2.          In  continuation  of  the  earlier  meetings  held  on  10/07/2021   and  23/07/2021,  a follow  up  meeting  was  chaired  by  Hon'ble  Minister  for  Communications  (“Hon'ble MOC”)  on Parcel  Business  of the Department  (“DOP”),  on 27.08.2021.  One of the  steps identified by  Hon'ble MOC  was creating a tracker for the tasks  that should be completed along with details  of periodic review.  Accordingly.  a Tracker comprising  36 Action Points was  compiled.  One of the   Action  Point identified  is  implementation of  “One  India One Parcel” on pan India level.

3.       It is pertinent to note here that Processing of speed post parcels in parcel hubs was started  on  pilot  basis  in all  hubs  (L1  & L2)  of Punjab  Circle  & other  identified  hubs  in Tamilnadu,  Karnataka, Kerala.  AP, Telangana  & Uttar Pradesh  Circles and is being done without any technical /  operational challenges following the SOP released by CEPT in this regard.  

It  has  been  learnt  from pilot  locations  that  processing  of all types  of parcels  in parcel hubs  is  advantageous  from  operations  point  of  view.  Segregating  parcels  from documents  is  the need of the hour as parcel  volume is increasing  day by day. Separate processing  of  parcels  with  standardized  equipment  will  enable  optimal  processing  of parcels in Parcel hubs.

4.       Based on the feedback received from pilot Circles it has been decided to commence the processing of all kind of parcels (Speed Post parcel, Registered Parcel & Business Parcel) in Parcel hubs across India with effect from 22.11.2021 (Monday).

5.         Further,  the Circles  have to ensure  that the below  instructions  are followed while closing/ processing  of all types of parcels:

(a)  Instructions regarding categorization of Speed Post between Speed Post document and parcels for operational purposes and bag closing pattern for speed post parcels by booking post  offices  to  the mapped hubs  vide this  office  letter  number 1-1/2018-PD dated 18th July 2018 (Copy Enclosed).

(b) All  Speed Post parcels  (Inward  and outward)  including  speed post parcels booked in  the  POs  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Parcel  Hubs  will  be  processed  in  the  Parcel Hubs. 

Speed Post Document bags (TD  & NTD) shall be dealt in ICH/ NSH only.

(c)   Divisions  concerned  will  need  to  modify/maintain  DMSL  accordingly  to  enable closing/ dispatching  of  Speed Post parcel bags to Parcel hub concerned in the software by booking offices  (SOP Enclosed).

(d)  Divisions concerned will need to modify/ maintain DMSL accordingly so that parcel hubs  should be  able  to  receive/  dispatch  Speed  Post  parcel  bags  from  booking  post offices/Bulk  Booking Offices and vice versa.

(e) Processing  of   Speed  Post  parcels  and  other  types  of   parcels  have  to  be  done separately  in  Parcel  hub  to  avoid  inter  mingling.  Parcel  hub  may  adopt  wave  wiseconcept  for processing  of  parcels or a dedicated set for different  types of  parcels  (e.g., 1st wave of 3 hours for Speed Post parcels, once this is over 2nd wave  of  5 hours  for the other parcels, Circle may change the time slab 2  hours- 6  hours,  4  hours-  4  hours  etc.according to their mail arrangements/ dispatch timings)  to avoid handling of parcels on ground as per the objectives  of  PNOP.  However large parcels  (One Parcel  in a Bag)/ Loose parcels  can be processed  without  wave concept  as opening  and closing  of such parcels take place simultaneously in Large Parcel Processing area.

(f)  Availability   of   sufficient   number   of  Standard   Equipment   in  Parcel   Hubs   and earmarking  of areas and equipment's placement as per approved layout.

(g) Bag and Parcel  abstract  preparation  and tallying by Parcel  Hubs as per SOP vide Parcel Dte. letter no. 03-06/2019-PD dated 04.09.2019 (Copy of SOP Enclosed).

(h) Recording of errors along with effective monitoring of error resolution by Divisions

(i)  Frequent visits in Parcel Hubs by  Set In  charge (IP & ASPs) and by Divisional Heads to ensure  smooth processing  of all kind of parcels in Parcel Hubs.

(j)  Reviewing of mail arrangements  if required.

(k) Sort programmes prepared for parcels shall also be followed while processing Speed Post Parcels in Parcel Hubs.

6.         In case of any technical issue while making modifications  in the POS/IPVS  software the same  may  be  brought  to  the  knowledge  of  CEPT  as  well  as  this  Directorate   for resolution.  Further, any operational  issue preventing  implementation of these instructions may be brought to the knowledge of this Directorate.

7.         This issues with the approval of the Competent  Authority. Enclosure:  - As above

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