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New Delivery PO Performance KPI in BI reports in DOP (India Post)

Sub: Regarding new Delivery PO (Post Office) Performance KPI in BI reports

Download new Delivery PO Performance KPI in BI reports in DOP (Post Office)

Government of India Ministry of Communications Department of Posts Mail Business (Development & Operations) Division Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 Dated: 27.12.2023

To, All CPMsG

This has reference to the various communication received from the Circles pertaining to development of new Delivery PO Performance KPI in BI tool having count of articles return/redirected within seven days from the day of receipt at the post offices for Speed Post and Registered articles. The matter was also discussed during the various MMU workshops.

2. In accordance with the requirements of the Circles and MMU teams, new KPI of Delivery PO Performance report having count of articles return/redirected within seven days of receipt at the post offices for Speed Post articles is now available in BI tool w.e.f. 13.12.2023 onwards. Data can be viewed in D-7 days (D is the day of receipt at the post offices) in BI tool. Similar report for Registered articles is under development and will be deployed shortly.

3. This report can be utilized to know the delinquent Postal Divisions/SOs/HOs/BOs not updating delivery or attempted delivery status of the articles even after seven days of receipt at the post offices as well as count of articles delivered/return/redirected on the day of receipt at the post offices.

4. This new KPI is available in three tabs (i.e. including BOs, excluding BOs and only BOs). Further, drill down from Circle level to PO level is also available.

4.1 Data from 13th to 18th December of this new Delivery PO Performance KPI was analysed and observed that some Postal Divisions are delivering/attempting less than 50% articles on the day of receipt or having more than 50% articles which are not being delivered/return/redirected even after seven days of receipt at the post offices. Many of these articles are delivered or attempted for delivery but the status of was not uploaded in the system. Due to which visibility of articles booked by retail or bulk customers is not available on India Post webpage and creating a bad image of the Department among the customers.

5. Therefore, it is requested to direct all concerned to take appropriate action to improvise delivery/attempted delivery status in the system.

(Dushyant Mudgal)

DDG (Mail Operations)

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