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MMU (Mail Monitoring Units) FAQs | MMU FAQs (Frequently Asked Question Answers)

MMU (Mail Monitoring Units) FAQs in PDF. Post Office Mail Monitoring Unit (MMU) Frequently Asked Question Answers (FAQs). 

Q1. What are the products included in MMU (Mail Monitoring Unit) Dashboard?
Following Products are included in MMU Dashboard and report is summation of all below products.
1 Aerogramme International
2 Blind Literature
3 Business Parcel
4 EMS Document
5 EMS Merchandise
6 Inland Speed Post
7 Instant Money Order
8 International Air Parcel
9 International Blind Literature
10 International SAL Parcel
11 International Tracked Packet Service
12 Magazine Post
13 Regd. Pattern and Sample Packet
14 Registered Book Packet
15 Registered Foreign Letter
16 Registered Inland Letter Card
17 Registered International M Bag
18 Registered International Printed Papers
19 Registered International Small Packet
20 Registered Letter
21 Registered Newspaper - Bundle
22 Registered Parcel
23 Registered Printed Book
24 Speed Post Parcel Domestic
Q2. Whether article status having ‘T’ and ‘R’ are included in previous day deposit?
No. On previous day articles having only O-(On-Hold) status are taken for count
Q3. What to do when the articles received Count Mis Matches between MMU Dashboard and Post office?
On Report Date all articles having receipt scan is taken for count. Hence, check whether all articles having receipt scan as on Report Date (not today’s date) in DPMS. For example, on Report Date 100 articles are physically received at a post office and only 80 articles having receipt scan then MMU dashboard will show only 80 articles are received. So, while receiving articles, officials should ensure that all articles physically received are having receipt scan at DPMS.
Q4. What to do when articles missent count mismatches between MMU dashboard and a Post Office?
On Report Date all articles having MisSent remarks in delivery table are taken for count. Hence, check whether all articles having MisSent remarks as on Report Date (not today’s date) in DPMS. For example, on Report Date 100 articles are MisSent but, only 80 articles are having MisSent remarks then MMU dashboard will show only 80 articles are misSent. So, officials should correctly give the missent remarks in system for all missent articles
Q5. What is Direct Deposit in MMU Dashboard
On Report Date articles neither invoiced to postman nor invoiced to BO with nondelivery remarks are taken as Direct Deposit. Articles invoiced to postman but, not mentioned employee id or beat number in system then those articles also will be taken into count for Direct Deposit if articles are not delivered. Articles invoiced to BO but, BO ID not mentioned in system then those articles also will be taken into count for Direct Deposit if articles are not delivered. So, while invoicing articles, officials should correctly mention Beat Number, Employee ID and BO ID wherever necessary.
Q6. What to do when articles invoiced to BO count mismatches between MMU dashboard and a Post Office?
On Report Date articles having BO ID are taken as invoiced to BO. Hence, check whether BO ID is available for all articles invoiced to BO as on Report Date in DPMS. For example, on Report Date 100 articles are invoiced to BO but, only 80 articles are having BO ID then MMU dashboard will show only 80 articles are invoiced to BO. So, while invoicing articles, officials should ensure that BO ID are correctly mentioned for all articles invoiced to BO.
Q7. What to do when articles actually invoiced to delivery staff count mismatches between MMU dashboard and a Post Office?
On Report Date other than articles invoiced to BO having either Beat Number or Employee ID are taken as invoiced to delivery staff. Hence, check whether Beat Number or Employee ID are correctly mentioned against that articles in DPMS on Report Date (not today’s date). For example, on Report Date 100 articles are invoiced to delivery staff but, only 80 articles are having either Beat Number or Employee ID then MMU dashboard will show only 80 articles are invoiced to delivery staff. So, while invoicing articles to delivery staff, officials should ensure that Beat Number and Employee ID are mentioned for invoiced articles.
Q8. What to do when articles delivered count mismatches between MMU dashboard and a Post Office?
On Report Date articles having ('D'-Delivered, 'F'-Payment done, 'H'-Accepted) status are taken as delivered. Hence, check whether all delivered articles are having delivered status in DPMS system on Report Date (not today’s date). For example, on Report Date 100 articles are delivered but, only 80 articles are having articles status as delivered then MMU Dashboard will show only 80 articles are delivered. So, officials should ensure that delivered status is there for all articles delivered.
Q9. Articles delivered today but, updated in system by tomorrow due any reason whether those articles will be taken into count as delivered today?
No. MMU Dashboard is a static one. It will show only available remarks as on Report Date.
Q10. Where to access MMU Dashboard?
MMU Dashboard hosted in below page and it is open to access all.
Q11. Whether MMU Dashboard can be accessible other than SIFY network?
Yes. It can be accessible from other than SIFY network as well
Q12. Why PMA figures available in MMU Dashboard and PMA utilization report are differs?
For MMU the PMA data is fetched from PMA server. Once fetched, the data is available in MMU database and it is static. It will not change. But in PMA server the data is synced from DPMS once in 3 minutes and after the point of fetching the data at MMU, whatever synced at PMA server will not be updated in MMU. Also the data shown in MMU is D-2.The day the field is comparing PMA data in MMU with PMA data is 3rd day .so the data will not be matched. The % of articles handed at PMA shown in MMU report for monitoring the percentage of delivery in PMA and to improve the performance .not for comparing the count between MMU and PMA
Q13. How the % of Articles Delivered is calculated?
For CO and RO and Subdivisions:- % of Delivery= Total Articles Delivered * 100 / (Articles invoiced to Postman + Articles Invoiced to BO) For Post offices:- % of Delivery= Total Articles Delivered *100 / Articles invoiced to Postman For BOs and Consolidated BO Data for SO:- % of Delivery= Total Articles Delivered / (OB at BO+Articles Received at BO)
Q14. How the % of Articles Handled in PMA is calculated?
%Articles Handled in PMA:- Articles_Handled_PMA * 100 / Articles_InvoicedToPostman
Q15. Contact Details
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