SOP for setting up Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) for effective monitoring of Mail /Parcel operations in Post Office - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SOP for setting up Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) for effective monitoring of Mail /Parcel operations in Post Office

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for setting up Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) for effective monitoring of Mail /Parcel operations.

Download SOP for Mail Monitoring Units (MMU) Set up in PDF

The objective of setting up of Mail Monitoring Units is to bring back focus on delivery of Mail and Parcels and to identify and resolve issues affecting booking, processing and delivery of mail and parcel on a day-to-day basis. MMUs will flag the issues pertaining to Mail and Parcel operations and guide the field staff for proper working as per the prescribed Standard Operating Procedures so as to improve delivery efficiency across post offices in the country.

2. For the purpose of monitoring of Mail and Parcel operations, Circles have been categorized under category I & II as under: -

Category                 Circles

i)  Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Kerala, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Odisha, Bihar, Punjab, (16)

ii)  Chhattisgarh, Haryana, HP, Jharkhand, J&K, North East, Uttarakhand (7)

3. Structure of MMU: - Structure of the Mail Monitoring Units to be set up at Directorate / Circle/ Region and Divisional level would be as follows: -

Sl No. Level Headed by Assisted by

1. Directorate

ADG (Mail Operations) 1 ASP/IP & 1-2 Office Assistants

DGM Parcel Directorate 1 ASP/IP & 1-2 Office Assistants

2. Circle Office (Category-I)

In-Charge MMU (PS Group ‘B’ level officer) 1 ASPOs/Inspectors & 4-5 Office Assistants*

3. Category-II Circle ASP/Inspector 3-4 Office Assistants

4. Region ASP / Inspector 3-4 Office Assistants

5. Division Office (Class A) Deputy Supt. Of Post offices | ASP/IP, PRI (P) and 2-3 Office Assistants

6. Division Office (Class B)| ASP/Inspector PRI(P) and 2-3 Office Assistants

Note: - Number of Support staff as suggested above is minimum and can be increased by the Circle/Region and Division concerned as the case may be.

OM No.18-01/2023-PD Dated 21.06.2023

3.1 PS Group B posts of in-Charge CRC/NSH/BPC upgraded under Cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts Cadre can be redeployed to man the MMUs in the circles falling under Category I & II.

3.2 MMUs would be solely responsible for effective monitoring of booking, processing and delivery of Mail and Parcel on daily basis and flagging issues for taking remedial measures by the authorities concerned.

3.3 Other matters related to Mail and Parcel operations would continue to be looked after by APMG/AD (Mails) in the Circle / Regional Offices as usual.

4. Circles, Regions and Divisions will ensure that separate accommodation and adequate infrastructure i.e. Desktop, Printer, Scanner, Broadband Connectivity of minimum 2 MBPS, SAP connectivity, furniture etc. are provided to MMUs. CUG SIM may be provided to the in-charge of Mail Monitoring Units and other supportive staff in the MMUs. A landline connection may also be provided to the MMUs.

5. MMUs will monitor the issues affecting Mail and Parcel Operations and Delivery as detailed below:

5.1 First Mile (Booking): -

(i) Network issues in Post Offices/Bulk Booking Offices.

(ii) Execution of High / Daily Sync in Departmental post offices.

(iii) Booking and dispatch of articles received from the bulk customers on the day of receipt at Booking Post offices / BNPL Centers / BPCs.

(iv) Timely pick-up of articles from bulk/retail customers in respect of Click N Book, GeM, Shiprocket, CAIT etc.

(v) Timely induction of picked-up articles in the POS by the counter staff in Booking Post Offices concerned.

5.2 Middle Mile (Processing & Transmission)

i. 100 % Scanning of bags labels at TMOs / Bag Exchange Points / Transshipment Centers

ii. 100% Scanning of bag labels / articles including parcels at the respective Processing Hubs

iii. Tallying of Bag / article / parcel abstract in TMOs / Processing Hubs

iv. Resolution of errors through the system.

v. Execution of Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in the TMOs / Processing hubs in case of non-availability of network.

Vi. Data entry in the RTN Dashboard every day.

Vii.Monitoring of Transit time between Booking Offices to Processing Hubs, from Processing Hubs to Delivery post Office and between Origin Processing Hubs and Destination Hubs

5.3 Last Mile (Delivery)

i. Receipt of bags in Delivery Post offices/NDCs in DPMS.

ii. Invoicing of Mail and Parcel received in delivery Post Offices / NDCs through DPMS.

iii. Discrepancies between number of Bags / Articles sent by Processing Hubs and received by Delivery Post Offices /NDCs

iv. Availability of adequate staff for delivery in Post Offices / NDCs

v. Utilization of PMA by delivery staff in Delivery PO/NDCs and Branch Post Offices.

vi. Performing of delivery scan at doorstep of the addressee

vii. Selecting the correct delivery remarks i.e. Door lock, Wrong address, Refused etc. at door step of the addressee

viii. Random checking of the distance between delivery post office/NDC and delivery location as reflected in PMA MIS

ix. D+0 performance of Delivery Post Offices / NDCs and Branch Post Offices

x. Resolution of System Based Errors pending at Postal Divisions

xi. Performing of EOD of delivery beats every day.

xii. Invoicing of articles/parcels for Branch Post Offices through DPMS as per the prescribed procedure.

xiii. Monitoring of number of Head Post Offices / Sub post offices / Branch Post offices not using PMA.

xiv. Monitoring the number of undelivered articles / parcels with reference to Bulk Customer Analysis Report.

xv. Issue of COD parcels and delivery status update through DPMS .

5.4 Links for using Monitoring reports: - Details of links for monitoring the activities

as mentioned in the aforementioned para are cited below: -

i. MMU Dashboard: -

ii. Tech Ops Report: -

iii. PMA & Pick Up MIS :-

iv. Key Performance Indicators: -

6. It is pertinent to note here that in case of technical issues related to operations of Mail and Parcel i.e., Changes / Discrepancies in relevant data / reports / raw data, non — raising of tickets by operative offices, non-resolution of tickets by CEPT etc. should be taken up by the Circle MMUs with CEPT directly under intimation to MMUs set up in Directorate.

7. In order to make the monitoring comprehensive and effective, KPIs have to be monitored at Divisional, Regional and Circle level. An exhaustive list of KPIs to be monitored at each leg of transmission, booking and delivery has been indicated for Parcel and Mail separately and enclosed as Annexure I & II respectively.

8. Specific roles to be performed by Circle /Regional / Divisional MMUs are as under:- SL No Level Role / Parameters


i)  MMUs will be responsible for monitoring the overall operations and MMU delivery of Mail / Parcel in the Circle.

ii) Offices which require immediate attention on Network issues as per the report shared everyday by CEPT to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUSs for action and ensure that issues are resolved.

iii) To flag Post Offices not doing High / Daily Sync and the list of defaulting Post Offices to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUSs for further action and ensure that issues are resolved.

iv) To identify the BNPLs / BPCs/ Booking Offices not closing bags in IPVS Back Office and the list to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs for immediate necessary action.

v) To alert Regional / Divisional MMUs in case of delay in pick-up of articles / parcels as reflected on the MIS Dashboard. The list of such cases to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUs for action and get a feedback.

vi) To alert Regional / Divisional MMUs where delay is observed in induction of picked-up articles. List of such cases to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUSs for action and getting feedback.

vii) TMOs / Bag Exchange Points / Transshipment Centers not scanning bags to be monitored — List to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUSs for action and getting feedback.

viii) NSH/ICH/CRCs/Parcel Hubs/Unreg. L-1 & L-2 offices, etc. not scanning bags/articles— List of defaulting offices to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMUSs for action and getting feedback.

Xi) Errors pending in the system for resolution — Office wise pending list to be generated and shared with Regional / Divisional MMU for action and getting feedback.

xii) Monitoring of Hubs having scan performance less than 100%. List of defaulting Hubs to be shared with Regional / Divisional MMU for action and getting feedback.

xiii) Monitoring of performance of Postal Divisions for effective use of PMA for delivery of all accountable articles / parcels. Defaulting Regions / Divisions to be monitored regularly.

Xiv) Monitoring of Postal Divisions delivering less than 90% on the day of receipt of articles (D+0) so as to improve the delivery performance above 90% in D+0 for all categories of articles / parcels.

XV) Sharing the list of pending articles / parcels of Bulk customers with Regional / Divisional MMUs, to ensure delivery of all the pending articles / parcels.

xvi) Monitoring of all Bl Reports as per the defined periodicity.

MMUs at Circle level will share the list of pending articles / parcels booked by top 20 bulk customers in the circle with the delivery circles concerned to ensure prompt delivery and delivery status update in DPMS.

Circle MMU will ensure that the RTN dashboard is updated on daily basis.

Circle MMU will constantly pursue the issues with Regional / Divisional MMU till the issues are resolved.

Circle MMU will submit a daily report (Annexure VI) of its activities to the PMG/DPS (HQ)/DPS (Mails & BD) for review.

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