SOP For Biometric Enrolment Status for BPM in RICT (DARPAN) MDM Portal (Post Office) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SOP For Biometric Enrolment Status for BPM in RICT (DARPAN) MDM Portal (Post Office)

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) For Biometric Enrolment Status for BPM in RICT MDM Portal (DARPAN Portal) Post Office. Prerequisite: This functionality can be accessed by RICT admin users only and not by non-RICT admin portal users. 

Download SOP For Biometric Enrolment Status for BPM in RICT (DARPAN) MDM Portal in PDF

Biometric Enrolment Status in MDM portal. 

i) Login to the Portal and click on “BPM/Admin Management” tab. 

ii) Click on “Biometric Enrolment Status” option. 

iii) Enter valid BPM/Substitute/RICT Admin Id in User ID field, select valid user type, and click on “Go” button. 

iv) Biometric Enrolment Status of the entered user will be displayed as shown below 

v) Clicking on “Cancel” button will reset the page as shown below. 

vi) The below error message will appear when the user type is not selected. 

vii) The below error message will appear when the user ID is not entered 

viii) The below error message will appear when entered user ID is less than 4-digit 

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