POSB Reconciliation Questionnaire | Download Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) Reconciliation Questionnaire in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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POSB Reconciliation Questionnaire | Download Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) Reconciliation Questionnaire in PDF

Subject:  POSB (Post Office Savings Bank) Reconciliation Questionnaire -reg

Download POSB Reconciliation Questionnaire in PDF

This is regarding the inspection of Head Post Offices in connection with POSB Reconciliation of Outstanding Balances as per instructions received from Directorate. In this regard, a questionnaire has been prepared for the teams visiting Head Post Offices to review the progress made in reconciliation of balances. It is requested to communicate the questionnaire among all Divisions and necessary instructions may be given to the inspecting teams to adhere to the questionnaire.

This is for information and necessary action please.

Encl: As above.

Assistant Post Master General (Technology & FS) o/o Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru - 560 001

FS/POSB/02/POSB-SCReconciliation-Part(1) I/74953/2023 Department of Posts Office of the Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle Bengaluru – 560 001.


1. Post Master General, Bengaluru HQ Region, Bengaluru – 560 001 2. Post Master General, North Karnataka Region, Dharwad – 580 001 3. Post Master General, South Karnataka Region, Bengaluru – 560 001

No: FS/POSB/02/POSB-Recon-Part(1)    Dated at Bengaluru the    -06-2023

FS/POSB/02/POSB-SCReconciliation-Part(1) I/74953/2023 Questionnaire for inspection of Head Post Offices by the team formed for verification of progress made for POSB reconciliation.

Item Name of the HO visited Date of visit Team Members

1. Whether the instructions conveyed vide following Directorate letters are available with the Head Post Offices concerned.

1. Dte’s letter No. 25-06/2012FS-CBS (Pt-1) dated 10.03.2016.

2. Go Live Orders dated 17.04.2014 & 21.04.2016,

3. letter No.25-31/2017-FSCBS dated 28.03.2018

If these documents are not available, inspection team may supply copy.

05 Whether the Sanchaya Post / V2 SBCO backup available upto the date of migration of HO & its SOs intact.

Offices in respect of which backup is not available, may be named.

No. of offices HO+SOs

No. of offices for which Sanchaya Backup available

No. of offices for which V2 SBCO back up available.

Whether the Scheme wise, account wise, balance agreement was completed and consolidated balances was certified by SBCO / Postmaster / Divisional Head at the time of migration and the same is available and verified as per the Go Live orders in Directorate letters dated 17-4-2014 and 21-4-2016. If no such certificates are available, 

a. Reasons for non-availability may be recorded.

b. Efforts are to be made to trace the emails during migration period to retrieve information to such effect. No. of offices HO+SOs

Whether Certificate is available for HO / DO / RO

No. of Sub-Post Offices for which certificate is available at HO / DO / RO

07. Whether the information of balances scheme wise as per 

a) V2 SBCO

b) Sanchaya Post c) Finacle on the date of migration for the HO+SO has been updated correctly in www.karnatakapost.gov.in. Anneuxre-I as referred to in Audit

08. Inspection Memo No. 1

08. Whether the above information has been compiled in excel format SOL Wise, Scheme Wise as on the date of migration with the date noted therein are correctly carried over to the web URL referred to. Whether this information has been shared to GM PAF & Circle Office for uploading in the web portal.

Whether the details of Number of accounts which were closed manually but not closed in Sanchay Post and migrated to Finacle at the time of migration of data from Sanchay Post to Finacle has been correctly maintained. Give the details of no. of accounts and amount thereof. This amounts to excess migration of accounts.

10. Whether the details of live accounts/ certificates not migrated to Finacle in the proforma as prescribed in Annexure-II referred to in I/Memo No. 2/4-5-2023 prepared and kept readily available with last date of transaction in each account. Please furnish the totals of each scheme here.

(Please refer I/Memo No. 2/4-5-2023 of IA)

11. Details of accounts in which Balance discrepancies noticed after migration by SBCO or any other source. Whether the account wise and scheme wise details kept with differentiation between excess or short balance migrated in support of same. (Please refer I/Memo No.3 dated 4-5-2023 of IA)

12. Please confirm whether the action has been taken by CEPT centrally to transfer the unclaimed amount in Small Savings Schemes viz; SB/PPF/RD/TD /MIS/SCSS/SSA/NSC/KVP etc., to Senior Citizen Welfare Fund established by Govt. of India and information made available through www.indiapost.gov.in

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