DOP (Post Office) Internal Audit Inspection Checklist for POSB | Download DOP Internal Audit Inspection Checklist for POSB in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOP (Post Office) Internal Audit Inspection Checklist for POSB | Download DOP Internal Audit Inspection Checklist for POSB in PDF

Subject: Checklist for Special drive for Internal Audit Inspection in connection with Data Discrepancies of POSB

Download DOP Internal Audit Inspection Checklist for POSB in PDF


No.27-1/2023-Internal Audit/POSB/2510-2533

Internal Audit Division

Dated: 02.03.2023


It has been by this Directorate that while doing POSB reconciliation work at Postal Accounts Offices, discrepancies were noticed in the following cases:


a) Balances Migrated

b) Closed account migrated

c) Live account not migrated

d) Annual Interest Posting

e) Misclassification of Interest

f) Discrepancies in receipt and payment

g) Manual Voucher Posting


2. In order to address these discrepancies, a Special drive by Internal audit is to be conducted by the Internal audit team of Postal Accounts Offices. The scope of Inspection and Area to be looked into by the Internal Audit team is mentioned in the checklist enclosed herewith.


3. The Special drive for Audit is to be completed by all PAOs by 30.04.2023. The composition of Audit team will be under:


4. The working days required for conducting this audit is indicated as below


5. The heads of PAOs are competent to decide number of teams required for completing this Special audit within the allotted time.


6. PAOs are requested to submit the status of inspection conducted every fortnight.

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