NAPE Objected the Clerical Assistance to IPs/ASPs - Attachment/Deployment of PAs(Postal Assistants) to IPs/ASPs for clerical assistance - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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NAPE Objected the Clerical Assistance to IPs/ASPs - Attachment/Deployment of PAs(Postal Assistants) to IPs/ASPs for clerical assistance


NO:1-11/PA assistance to IP 

Date: 15.11.2022

Sub: - Attach/Deployment of PAs to IPs/ASPs for clerical assistance— Reg. 

It is to bring the following issue to the notice of the authority which is beyond the rules and provisions on the subject.

It has come to the notice of that few CPMGs, viz CPMG, Tamilnadu and Gujarat Circles ordered to attach suitable PA to the O/o Sub Divisional Heads with an intension to strengthen the administration.

At this juncture the following observations are put forth for persuasion of the authority.

1. There is no establishment derived, designed and allotted to the SDHs in respect of PA Cadre.

2. On an average one or 2 Mail Overseer were attached. Though the designation is Mail Overseer services of the officials have been utilized for clerical works.

3. Consequent on implementation of Technology like Finacle, Mc Mish and CSI work related to Inspect Procedure is decreased.

4. The Inspection Questioners were also amended and the maximum number of  inspection days on an average is around 90 to 100.

5. The Communication and Conveyance facilities were well developed when compared to the olden days between Branch Post Offices/Sub Post Offices and Sub Divisional Offices.

6. Many Field level verifications like verification of death certificates in respect of claims, verification of PLI/RPLI Proposal before by the SDHs were abolished.

7. The process of procurement of Business like accounts, PLV/RPLI has been monitored by the Sub Divisional Heads through the Mobile, Whatsaap Groups for which the Mobile Charges were paid at the rate of Rs.750 per month.

8. Many of the PAs have been picked up by the Region Offices /Divisional Office and Services of Many PAs are spared for CPCs, WCTCs, Passport Seva Kendra, System Administrator, Marketing Executive leaving the Operative office at shortage. Deputation to IPPB is another aspect.

9. Many of the new business achievements and increase of business have been contributed by the Operative Staff and Offices only.

10. Many of the Supervisory Posts like HSGI, HSGII have been managed by the PAs under office arrangements only.

As observed from the Annual Report also the number of administrative posts increased mean while the operative posts were decreased. It is very surprising that while these many issues are prevailing deploying the PAs for clerical assistance leave the operative office at shortage is not at all an optimum utilization of Human Resources.

Hence my union request that the issue may please be pursued and proposal of attachment to IP office may please be dropped and it is also requested to issue instructions to the CPMG, Tamilanadu Circle and Gurajarath Circle for cancelation of orders already issued.






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