GDS To PA SA Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2022 (Updated) | Download Latest LDCE GDS/PM/MTS/MG To PA/SA Exam Pattern and Syllabus in PDF - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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GDS To PA SA Exam Syllabus & Pattern 2022 (Updated) | Download Latest LDCE GDS/PM/MTS/MG To PA/SA Exam Pattern and Syllabus in PDF

Pattern and Syllabus of Competitive Examination limited to Postman/ Mail Guard / MTS / GDS for Appoitment as Postal Assistant (PA) and Sorting Assistant (SA) LDCE Exam. GDS To PA SA Exam Syllabus 2022 (Latest).

Download GDS To LDCE PA/SA Exam Syllabus in PDF

Pattern and Syllabus of Competitive Examination limited to Postman / Mail Guard / MTS / GDS for Appointment as Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant.

1. Pattern of Examination.

Srl No


Paper 1

Paper 2

Paper 3


Competitive or Qualifying





Type of Questions


MCQs & Subjective

On Computer


Number of Questions

As per Syllabus

As per Syllabus



Maximum Marks

100 in 2 Parts





120 Minutes

45 Minutes

15 Minutes




Language of Question Paper

Bilingual, i.e. Hindi and English (as well as in Local Language, as published under the provisions of Recruitment Rules, where Hindi is not a local language)




Language of Answer Paper

Not Applicable as Multiple Choice Questions

As per Question Paper




Minimum Qualifying Marks(Subject to reservation policy of Govt)

(a) For SC/ST - 33% in each Paper

(b) For OBC -    37% in each Paper

(c) For Others -40% in each Paper



2. Criteria for Selection

          a) Examination for Paper I and Paper II will be conducted in continuity. Thereafter, Paper III, i.e. Data Entry Skill Test (DEST), will be conducted separately on the same day.


              b) Only such candidates who qualify in each Paper, viz. Paper I, Paper-II and PaperIII, shall be considered for final selection and their merit shall be drawn in order of marks secured in Paper-L Since Paper-II and Paper-III are only qualifying, marks secured in Paper-II and Paper-III shall not be added to marks secured in Paper I to decide merit.


               c) After arranging the candidates in order of Merit as at (b) above, the number of candidates to be declared successful shall be equal to the number of vacancy in each category.


             d) In the event of any vacancy notified for recruitment remains unfilled only due to non joining of the selected candidate, the next candidate in the merit List in the same category shall be considered for appointment. However, the appointment of such candidates shall be only on the ground of refusal of promotion/declining offer of appointment and no wait list or approved panel shall be maintained.


III. Syllabus for Postal Assistant /Sorting Assistant Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.


Paper 1 (120 Minutes)



marks -50

[50 questions

of 1 mark each]

Post Office Guide Part I (except Telegraphic

Money Order)

10 Questions

Post Office Guide Part II (except British and

Irish Postal order)

10 Questions

Basic terminologies related to IT Modernisation project of Department of Posts

10 Questions

Products and Services: Mails, Banking & Remittances, Insurance, Stamps and Business

(Reference: India Post Website)

10 Questions

a) Postal Manual Volume VI - Part I

b) Postal Manual Volume VI - Part III

(chapter I and II)

c) Updated SB Orders issued by Directorate till 31st December of the preceding year in which exam is being conducted

5 Questions

a) Postal Manual Volume VII

b) Foreign Post Manual

5 Questions



marks - 50

[50 questions

of 1 mark each]

General Awareness / Knowledge

Topics to be covered (2 questions from each topic):

a) Indian Geography

b) Civics

c) General knowledge

d) Indian culture & freedom struggle

e) Ethics and morale study

10 Questions

Basic Arithmetic

Topics to be covered from (2 to 3 Questions from each topic)

a) BODMAS (brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction)

b) percentage

c) profit and loss

d) simple interest

e) Average

f) Time and work

g) Time and distance

h) Unitary method

20 Questions

Reasoning and Analytical Ability (Non Verbal / Pictorial)

20 Questions



Paper 2(45 Minutes)

Maximum Marks 50

Translation from English to local language Multiple choice questions (10 English words closet meanings in local language to be identified)

15 questions of 1 mark each

Translation from local language to English Multiple choice questions (10 local language

words closest meaning in English words to be


15 questions of 1 mark each

Letter writing in local language (1 to be attempted out of 3 options)

10 Marks

Paragraph/short essay in local language of 80 to

100 words (1 to be attempted out of 3 options)

10 Marks


Paper 3 (15 Minutes)


marks - 25

[Data Entry Skill Test TEST)]

Skill test of data entry for 15 minutes on Computer on the same day.

[Data entry of 800 key depressions (+ 5%)]

25 Marks

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