AIGDSU Requested Postal Directorate to supply required and necessary furniture to newly Opened GDS Branch Post Offices(BOs) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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AIGDSU Requested Postal Directorate to supply required and necessary furniture to newly Opened GDS Branch Post Offices(BOs)


Central Head Quarters,

Padam nagar, Delhi-110007

Tele-Fax: 23697701

President: P.H. Jaiswal.

General Secretary: S.S.Mahadevaiah

Ref. No. GDS/CHQ/97/1/2022 Date 18-08-2022

Sub:- Request to supply required and necessary furniture to newly Opened GDS Branch Post Offices —Reg.

The department of posts opened newly GDS Branch Post offices all over India. The parsons from faraway places are being engaged as GDS BPMs and ABPMs in the newly opened Branch post offices. The Required and necessary furniture have not been supplied to newly opened GDS post offices. GDS BPM are performing duties sitting on the floor. It is too difficult to them to work in this condition.

The Director General (Posts) are requested to issue suitable instructions to the concerning authorities to supply furniture to newly opened GDS post offices to work conveniently and to serve the rural people effectively.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,


General Secretary

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