IPO Exam 2022 Notification | LDCEIP Exam Notification 2022 | Inspector of Posts Exam 2022 | Syllabus, Pattern, Elegibility & Vancancies in PDF
IPO Exam 2022 Notification. IP Exam Notification for the year 2022. LDCEIP Exam Notification 2022.
F. No. A-34012/03/2021 -DE
Government of lndia
Ministry of Communicotions
Deportment of Posts
(DE Section)
Dak Bhawan. Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110 001
Dated: 9th May,2022
Subject: Conduct of limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (66.66%) Departmental quota for the vacancy year 2019,2020 &2021, scheduled to be held on 25th & 26th June, 2022.
Department of Posts has decided to conduct the LDCE (66.66% of vacancies) for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts for the vacancy year 2019,2020 &2021. The LDCIPO examination is scheduled to be held on 25th & 26th June, 2022.
2. Notification for the aforementioned examination is enclosed. The Notification contains information on schedule for exam related activities, eligibility criteria, patrern & Syllabus etc. Applications will be invited in online mode as given in the Notification.
3. Circles ore requested to give wide publicity for the examination.
When will LDCEIPO (Inspector Posts) Exam conducted for the year 2022?
LDCEIPO Exam will be scheduted to held on 25th & 26th June, 2022
For Which Vacancies year LDCE IPO Exam 2022 is conducted?
LDCE IPO Exam will be coducted for the vacancy year 2019,2020 & 2021.
How Many Tentative Vacancies were notified in the LDCE IP Exam 2022?
Total 301 Tentative Vacancies were notified in LDCE IPO Exam 2022.
LDCE IP Exam Online application process starts from?
LDCE IP Exam Online application process starts from 13.05.2022.
Last date to apply for LDCE IP Exam online application is?
LDCE IP Exam online application apply date is 30.05.2022
LDCE IPO Exam 2022 Admit cards available for downlooding by condidates from?
LDCE IPO Exam 2022 Admit cards available for downlooding by condidates from 20.06.2022.
Inspector Posts Exam (LDCIPO Exam) 2022 Time Schedule is as follows:
LDCE IP Exam Activity |
LDCE IPO Exam Time Schedule |
application process starts from |
13.05.2022 from
9:00AM |
date to apply for online application |
30.05.2022 upto
5:30PM |
Officer will verify details on day to day basis so that not a single application
is left for verification by 01.06.2022
To be completed
by 01.06.2022
Correction in application
form, if necessary, by candidate to be done
From 9:00AM on
02.06.2022 to 5:30PM on 03.06.2022
Completion of verification
of resubmitted Application by
Controlling Officer
To be completed
by 10.06.2022 |
Admit cards available
for downloading by candidates from
of Exam |
& 26th June,2022
Download LDC IPO Exam 2022 Notification in PDF