Holiday on account of Idu’l Fitr will be observed on 02/05/2022 (Monday) in place of 03/05/2022
Change in the date of Holiday on account of Idu'l Fitr. Post Offices in Karnataka will observe holiday on 02.05.2022 in place of 03.05.2022.
Ref: 1. DoPT OM in F.No.12/13/2016-JCA-2 dated 08/06/2021.
2. Government of Karnataka Order in No. Cause 1 HHL 2022 dated 30/04/2022
The CGEWCC Bengaluru had declared holiday on account of Idu’l Fitr on 03/05/2022 as per the Department of Personnel & Training OM in F.No.12/13/2016-JCA-2 dated 08/06/2021. Further, in Para 5.2 of the aforesaid OM dated 08/06/2021, the DoPT has mentioned that for offices outside Delhi, the CGEWCCs at the State Capitals are authorized to change the date of holiday, if necessary, based on the decision of the concerned State Governments/ Union Territories, in respect of Idu’l Fitr, Idu’l Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad.
2. In this regard, Government of Karnataka vide its order dated 30/04/2022 mentioned in reference 2 above, has declared holiday for Idu’l Fitr on 02/05/2022.
3. In view of the above, the holiday on account of Idu’l Fitr will be observed on 02/05/2022 (Monday) in place of 03/05/2022 as previously announced by CGEWCC,Bengaluru on 18/11/2021.