Post Office Compassionate Appointment SOP | New /Latest SOP to be followed for giving appointment on compassionate grounds in DOP/Indiapost - 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Post Office Compassionate Appointment SOP | New /Latest SOP to be followed for giving appointment on compassionate grounds in DOP/Indiapost - 2022


Government of lndia Ministry of Communications Department of Posts

Dak Bhavan, Parliament Street

New Delhi-110001

Dated the 24 March. 2022

Subject:  Standard Operating Procednre (SOP) to be followed for giving appointment on compassionate grounds -  regarding.

Madam / Sir,

It has been observed that Circles are following different procedure and modalities in processing cases of appointment on compassionate grounds. Lack of unitoraiity in processing such claims by different Circles has led to delay and complaints. In order to bring uniformity and improved transparency in processing applications for appointment on compassionate grounds, a need has been felt to prepare a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to handle applications received for appointment on compassionate grounds from the date of demise of Government official till appointment letter is issued. 

Accordingly, SOP as per Annexure broadly based on instructions issued by Department of Personnel & Training vide OM No.43019/9/2019-Estt.(D) dated 23.08.2021 is sent herewith for following the same for handling of applications received for compassionate appointment.

2.  Circles will circulate the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to all offices under their adrriinistrative control for dealing with requests/applications seeking appointment on compassionate grounds and ensure that SOP is followed in letter and spirit.

ANNEXURE to Letter No.17-1/2022-SPG II dated 24.03.2022


Part I:  Initial Processing in Sub Division/Divisional Office/PAO/Office of Executive Engineer/Sponsoring Office

l.   A mechanism has to be put in place so that the information about unfortunate demise of any of the employee of the establishment is received in the office by next day. In case the deceased employee was on deputation/attachment (outside their normal establishment unit). 

Initial processing will be carried out b2 the t›ttice where he was last posted. In case Service Book is not availablc with the office. thc filled in application form and othcr relevant documents/information to be sent to the parent establishment unit of the deceased official.

On receipt of the information, Divisional office/sponsoring oftice will collect data related to family from Service Book and other service records. This in limitation will be compiled in a format  as given below:

2.   The information so compiled will be sent to the 1P/A SP of’ the Sub-Dir ision (ior contacting the dependent tamily members at the earliest and not later than 15 days of the incident.  IP/ASP will carry all the forms and documents required to be filled for applying for appointment on compassionate grounds.  The format of application for appointment on compassionate grounds is given as per Annexure ‘DO/Comp. Apptt/1’.

3.   IP/ASP concerned will explain the scheme of appointment on compassionate grounds to the dependent family. The family will be informed that application may kindly be filled up within 10 days of time along with all required documents. He will also explain the benefits, if widow applies along with the objective of’ ‘Immediate Relief  behind Appointment on Compassionate Grounds.  The telephone number of the IP/ASP will be provided to the family for being ct›ntacted for providing assistance in filling up the application and collection tit related documents.

4.  The IP/ASP will remain in contact with the lâmily to assist them in filling up the application in proper manner so that duly filled in application along with all the documents are ready within 30 days of the incident. In all cases ot death or retirement on medical grounds which occurred till 31st Dec during a calendar year, which is also the vacancy‘ year now, the application will be obtained by 31st January of year following vacancy year (Para 4 of DoP letter No.17-1/2022-SPG- 11 dated 23.03.2022).

If there are more than one eligible dependents in the family, a declaration in Form as per Proforma ‘DO/Comp. Apptt/V’ will be obtained.

6.   In case the family is not inclined to apply for the appointmcnt on compassionate grounds, the declinatlon duly signed by all the dependent tâmily members will be taken in English and local language duly countersigned by the lP/ASP concerned and two witnesses of the locally bowing the family as per proforma  DO/Comp Apptt/II ’.

7.   The application with proforma ‘DO/Comp. Apptt/1’ duly completed in all respect will be submitted to the Divisional offrce within 30 days of demise or retircment on medical grounds of the employee.

8.  In case the dependent(s) is neither providing application nor the declaration as mentioned in para 6 above, an appropriate report will be submitted to Divisional Head by the SuADivisional head  concerned. Divisional Head will send ASP from Division HQ and confirm the facts and keep note of facts in file and monitoring register (as per Para 16 below).

9.  All the documents will be  scrutinized by Divisional of lcc and in case of any omission, the same will be got rectified within a week's time. Afterwards, the details will be got verified within a months' time by Divisional Office so that fully matured case is available with the Divisional office within 2 months.

10.  Any cases of demise/retirement on medical ground upto 31st December of the calendar year, where applications have been received by 31st January of subsequent year will be covered under this process. As such, Division should be ready latest by 31ˢᵗ March with all the cases of demise/retirement on medical grounds in previous calendar year.

11.  ASP/IP concerned in the Divisional office will keep track of all these case Such matured cases will be forwarded directly to Circle office as and when they are completed through Insured Post. No such cases where application is received by 31st January shall be kept pending beyond 31st March. The cases will be sent to Circle Office after completing the verification process, filling up all the part of proforma  given  as "DO/Corp.Apptt/I/II/III/IV"  duly  countersigned  by Divisional Head/1-lead of Sponsoring Office enclosing all the required supporting documents related to parameters for calculation of RMPS .

13.  All these applications will be given Unique Application Registration Number (UARN). The UARN will be given in the format as below:

‘Abbreviated same of the Division or Unit / Year of Death or retirement on medioal ground / Sl. Number of application in three digiM’. VARN to old cases will also be converted into above mentioned system. An acknowledgement u'ill be given to the applicant along-with URAN for future reference. The proforma for acknowledgement is given in ‘Annexure DO/Comp Apptt/V ’.

14.  In case of Civil /Electrical /Accounts Wing, the cases will be processed in the office of Executive Engineer/DAP/GM (Finance) as per the timelines prescribed. Cases  pmcessed  by these Wings will be recommended  by  Executive Gngineer/DAP/GM Finance concerned for consideration. In case of any confusion in terms of office which would process such cases, decision of HOC concerned shall be final.

15.  The Division O&ce/Office of Executive Engineer/Sponsoring Office where the case is. initiated will maintain a Register as per format given in ‘Annexure DOfCoi p. Apptt/VI’ for monitoring the status of cases.  Each case will be assigned two pages in the register so that all the activities related to case may be noted properly from time to time. The register will be reviewed by concerned Head of Office on monthly basis and also by the inspecting officer.

16. In case the immovable property of the dependent family/applicant falls in the jurisdiction of the other Division/Region/Circle, the Divisional Head will take the case directly with the Division concerned with copy to Circle Offices concerned to avoid delay. On receipt of reference. the 

Divisional Head will ensure completion of verification etc. within 15 days of time. Both the Divisional Head will be personally responsible for ensuring such verification within the prescribed time schedule.

17.  Mapping of Small Independent Establishments

(i)  There are some independent units which are not presently mapped to Directorate/Circle for consideration of related compassionate appointment. Following mapping will be followed as and when any such case arrives:

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