POSB Performance Review for the year 2021 | Minutes of the meeting held on 02-12-2021 by Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru 560 001 to review the POSB performance for the year 2021-2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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POSB Performance Review for the year 2021 | Minutes of the meeting held on 02-12-2021 by Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru 560 001 to review the POSB performance for the year 2021-2022

Minutes of the meeting held on 02-12-2021 by Chief Postmaster-General, Karnataka Circle, Bengaluru 560 001 to review the POSB performance for the year 2021-2022 upto 30-11-2021.

A review meeting on POSB performance for the year 2021-2022 was held on 02-12-2021. Sri. Vinod Kumar, CPMG, Karnataka presided over the meeting. The meeting was attended by Sri. D.S.V.R. Murthy, Postmaster-General, South Kamataka Region and Sri. L.K. Dash, Postmaster-General, Bengaluru Region. 

 2 The following points were discussed in the meeting. Restricting the overall deficit of Karnataka Circle (revenue & capital) to less than Rs.973 Crores As conveyed vide Director General letter No. 28-4/2021-BGT (PA) dated 15-11-2021, the Ministry of Finance has strictly instructed department to restrict its overall deficit to less than Rs.17,000 crores for 2021-2022, and Karnataka Circle is required to reduce the deficit to Rs.973 Crores wherein the deficit as on 30-09-2021 is at Rs.671.42 Crores. Since curtailing the expenditure is not feasible to restrict the deficit to desired level, it is instructed to achieve the targets fixed under POSB for the financial year 2021-2022. 

 2.1. Achieving the target for live accounts - During the financial year, a target of achieving 171.10 Crores live account by 31-03-2022 has been given. But so far, the circle has achieved 147.76 Crores live accounts only upto 31-10-2021. 23.34 lakhs net addition of accounts needs to take place for the remaining 4 months ie., approximately 100 days with a monthly target of about 4 lakhs accounts net addition and a daily target of 23,000 accounts. office including B.Os perfom by ensuring a net addition of minimum 3 accounts per day. The live account target has been fixed as per the population. Many divisions already had the required number of accounts at the beginning of the year itself. As such, for all the Divisions the target will be either (a)The target already fixed or (b)Total number of live accouts as on 31-12-2021 plus net addition target for the year 2021-2022 whichever is more. Accordingly, revised target wilt be communicated. 

 2.2 This can only be made possible if every A minimum of 5.000 accounts at each Departmental Post office- As per the instructions of the Directorate, each departmental post office shall have at least 5,000 accounts. But there are - 

2.3. 195 departmental post offices having less than 2,500 accounts 406 departmental post offices having accounts between 2,501 to 5,000 accounts. Poor perfoming offices may be identified and special drives may be conducted to open more number of accounts at these offices encouraging the staff as well as MPKBY and SAS Agents. List of live accounts in departmental offices is furnished in the excel sheet "Anx-1-Live Accounts in departmental post ofices 

 2.4. Poor perfoming Branch Post offices There are 62.21 lakhs live accounts in 7,926 Branch Post offices in Karnataka Circle with an average of 785 accounts per BO. There are, on an average 88 SSA, 206 RD, 26 TD, 410 SB and 53 SB Basic accounts at each Branch office. There is ample scope for inprovement in each category of accounts. List of Branch offices according to the category, based on the number of live accounts has been identified and the same is made available in Anx-2-Live accounts in Branch Post offices". There are: 1748 out of 7926 B0s having less than 500 accounts. 2,407 out of 7926 BOs having accounts between 501 to 750. 1,877 out of 7926 B0s having accounts between 751 to 1,000 Only 1,894 BOs having more than 1,000 accounts. Special drives for opening of more number of accounts may be carried out at branch post offices identified having less than 1,000 accounts. An immediate target of opening 100 accounts during the month of December-2021 may be assigned specifically for these BOs and the performance may be monitored thoroughly. 

 2.5. Net addition of accounts The target for net addition of accounts for the financial year 2021-2022 is 24.6 lakhs accounts. A total of 12.4 lakhs accounts opened with 5.03 lakhs accounts closed and as a result, net addition is 6.06 lakhs only. The short fall is 18.53 lakhs accounts to be achieved @ 4.63 lakhs accounts per month and 18,600 accounts per day for the remaining period from December2021 to March, 2022. All the Divisions may be directed to achieve the target fixed for them in each category of accounts. Concentration needs to be on the following lines: All the Branch Post offices in the Circle may be instructed to open at least 10 accounts under categories SCSS MIS PPF during the month of December, 2021. maximum accounts. Similarly, promote business under NsC / KVP to the Each Sub-Divisional Head will choose at least 5 BOs under his/her sub-division to achieve 10 accounts under SCSS/ MIS/ PPF before 15-12- 2021. They are requested to replicate same in other BOs after 15-12-2021. PPF may be promoted with eye catching caption "Sukumaara Samriddhi Yojana" for popularising the scheme. Action plan to be laid down to achieve the target fixed for each category of accounts SB/RD/TD/MIS/PPF/SCSS/SSA. The details of net addition of accounts is furnished in Anx-3 -Net addition of accountsS". 

 2.6. Negative perfomance in net addition of MIS and RD accounts is noticed due to more number of accounts closed than opened. All such offices where number of accounts closed is more than opened, action may be taken to ensure ach office records positive growth under these category of accounts. For every closed account, opening of 1 or 2 accounts to be ensured. Silent accounts revival-As on 01-04-2021, there were 86.86 lakhs silent accounts in the Circle. A target of reviving at least 30% of silent accounts ie, 26.08 lakh accounts was allotted. So far, 5.63 lakh accounts have been revived. Pending to be achieved is 20.71 lakh in the remaining 4 months of this financial year. All are requested to review and monitor thee performance in the next 4 months to achieve the target allocated for revival of silent accounts. List of silent accounts is furnished in "Anx-4- Silent account target for revival". Number of accounts revived is furnished in "Anx-5- Revival of accounts". The Regions/ Divisions are requested to conduct office-wise review and monitor the target and achievement in revival of silent accounts by each office. 

 2.7 Bhagyalakshmi AoF District wise AOFs were sent to respective Dy. Director of DWCD of the district with instructions to hand over the duly filled in Bhagyalakshmi-sSA account opening forms to the concened Postal Divisional

Head. All such AOF may be obtained from the concerned and sent to Bengaluru GPO as per the instructions issued on the subject by 31-12-2021. Aadhar Seeding of POSB Accounts - There are about 27 lakh POSB accounts through which social security pension is being credited through DBT. Director of Social Security Pensions has intimated that there is a proposal for DBT transfer through Aadhar based (ABP) instead of existing Account based (ACH) transfer. During this financial year, only 2.69 lakh accounts were Aadhar seeded so far with total of 6.242 lakh accounts. In order to retain DBT into social security pensioners' POSB account, drives may be conducted to ensure Aadhar seeding to the maximum extent. 

 2.9. 2.10 lakh accounts were opened through RICT Devices with an average of 59 accounts opened per year. As the target for opening of accounts is more, the same needs to be improved. 66.81 lakh deposit transactions were performed on an average of 4.21 deposits per BO per day and 87.96 lakhs withdrawal transactions were perfomed through RICT devices during the financial year with daily average per BO @5.54 transactions. On an average, 10.01 RICT transactions takes place at Branch Offices. All the Divisional Heads may be directed to ensure that the number of RICT transactions per day may be enhanced to 20 transactions. wise details is furnished in the excel sheet "Anx-6 : RICT CBS transactions". All the Divisional Heads may be directed to take action accordingly. CBS transactions in RICT Devices During the financial year, a total of 3.84 The Division 

 2.11. Digital India --ATM Cards Active - Out of 1,699 departmental post offices, 146 offices do not have active ATM cards at all. 201 offices are having less than 10 active ATM Cards; 500 offices are having less than 50 active ATM Cards. All the Divisional Heads to ensure at least 50 active ATM cards per departmental post office by 31-12-2021. The details are furnished in excel sheet "Anx-7: Active ATM cards. The perfomance of DoP ATMs may be reviewed regularly by the Divisional Head. ATM performance analysis for DOP ATM cards and Other ATM Cards are furnished in the excel sheet. All the Divisional Heads shall ensure that the ATMs are kept open 24 hours. The ATM transactions analysis after 1900 Hrs (07:00 PM) may be obtained from ATM Unit to confirm whether the transactions takes place at ATMs after closing hours of post offices. 

 2.12. Digital India-IPPB transactions for DoP Senvice - SB/RD/TD/PPF - Around 10025 PPF transactions per month; 23,708 RD deposit transactions; 26,284 POSB deposit transactions and 64,790 POSB withdrawals transactions take place per month based on the average for the period from 01-08-2021 to 30-11-2021. Monthly average per office is only 17. This needs improvement. Counter PAs at departmental offices may be given a target of at least 50 accounts for opening of POSA linked IPPB accounts during the month of December-2021 and promote the download of IPPB mobile app by the customer to perform deposit and withdrawal transactions digitally. The details are furnished in "Anx-8 : IPPB transactions for DOP Service". 

 2.13. Prime Minister's Jan Suraksha Schemes - The performance in PMSBY, PMJJBY is satisfactory. However, the performance in Atal pension Yojana needs improvement. For the month of December-2021, each HO may be assigned a target of procuring at least 50 plus NPS. 

 2.14. 5 Star Village Out of the 197 villages target fixed for the circle in achieving 5 Star Vilage status during the financial year, 148 villages have already declared as 5 Star Villages. least 5 more villages per division for 5 Star perfomance to be achieved by 31-3-2022. All the Divisional heads may be asked to identify at

 2.15 Payment of Treasury eMOs As per the Commissioner of Treasury, Govt. of Karnataka, a total of 41,777 eMOs of 2018; 4,882 eMOs of 2019, 2,22,135 eMOs of 2020 and 11,97,517 eMOs of year 2021 are pending. Issue of pending updation of paid eMO details is being handled in FS Section of Circle office. However, it is found that a large eMOs are pending for payment at the post offices As the reconciliation has to take place and the amount of unpaid eMOs has to be paid back to the Commissioner of Treasuries, all the Divisional heads are requested to monitor the pendency of eMOs vigorously. One OA may be identiried exclusively to monitor the same and all the offices may be strictly instructed to ensure payment of pending eMOs by 31-12-2021 invariably. 

 2.16. Linking of POSB accounts with SSP ID and obtaining consent for DBI- During the last year, out of approximately 22 lakh accounts we were able to link 10.96 lakhs accounts for DBT transfer of social security pension into the POSB account. Out of remaining 11 lakh only 4.4 lakh social security pensioner details shared by Govt. of Karnataka, Director of Social Security pensions Department which implies that about 7 lakh accounts have migrated to Banks. As per this office instruction, the last date for updating the details of consent obtained in www.karnatakapost.gov.in:4431/ssp is 30.11.2021. However, 3.92 lakhs is stl pending. It is requested to conduct a special drive and complete the process by 10-12-2021 in order to retain these social security pensioners 

 2.17. At the time of opening of accounts, the counter PA or BPM may be directed to promote the following for which provisions are there in the AOF. Additional services such as Cheque Book/ ATM Cards Opening of IPPB account and linking it to POSA account. Aadhar Seeding / Mobile Seeding Internet Banking / Mobile banking .PMSBY/PMJJBY /APY 

 2.18. Action Plan received from the Regions have been reviewed. Some of the points are reiterated: Effective monitoring of the target on daily basis by OA IASP HQ / Divisional Head/ AD FS of Region. Conducting at least 2 Melas in each Sub-Division every week. All Marketing Executives to be given a target of opening 50 PPF/SCSS/MIS/SSA accounts every week by organising special camps at educational, financial and other institutions, factories etc., 

 Special drive to be conducted for Revival of Silent accounts. Poor performing Departmental POs /Branch Offices to be identified and special drive to be conducted at these offices for opening more number of accounts. PPF to be promoted as Sukumaara Samriddhi Yojana on par with SSA. Identifying and achieving more number of "Sampoorna Bachat Grama", Sampoorna Sukanya Samriddhi Grama" Samriddhi School and "Sampoorna Sukanya ldentifying and achieving more number of 5 Star Villages, Conducting drive for POSA inked IPPB accounts and educating the depositors for DoP services through IPPB for depositing SB/RD/PPF/SSA depasits and SB withdrawals. Special emphasis for SCSSI PPF/ MIS/ KVP/ NSC at Branch Offices with a target of at least 20 in each Branch Office.  

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