CBSE Booking, dispatch and delivery of sensitive post-examination materials through Post Offices - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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CBSE Booking, dispatch and delivery of sensitive post-examination materials through Post Offices

Booking, dispatch and delivery of sensitive post-examination materials of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) 

F.No. 16-15/2021-PD  Government of India Ministry of Communication Department of Posts Parcel Directorate Dated 18.11.2021


All Heads of Circles

Sub: Booking, dispatch and delivery of sensitive post-examination materials of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) — reg.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is registered as a Book Now Pay Later (BNPL) customer (BNPL code 901-471) with the Delhi Circle for booking, dispatch and delivery of sensitive examination & post-examination materials of CBSE.

2. In this regard, about 15,000 examination centres have been fixed in India this year for conducting the examinations of 35 lakh students between 16 November and 30th November, 2021. Post examination materials will be booked as Speed Post Insured parcels by the examination centres of CBSE at nearby post offices for the Regional offices of the CBSE to which they are mapped. (list of examination centres with pincode, district & state is enclosed with this letter)

3. This time, the duration of examination activities will extend beyond normal working hours and CBSE may reach the post offices to book the material after normal working hours.

4. Circles are requested to kindly map these examination centres with post offices for booking purpose and ensure extension of late hours booking to these CBSE post- examination materials. The material shall be transmitted till last dispatch schedule available and in case, no schedule is available, the material should be kept in locker under proper custody ensuring security of sensitive examination material till the next available dispatch schedule. The information should be provided as per the attached excel sheet to this office by 19.11.2021 positively.

mwah Sharma)

Assistant Director

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Encl. A/a

Copy to:

i. DDG, Mail Operations- for information

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