SB Order No 19/2021 Amendment in Para xi of Part A of SB Order No 3412020 regarding. - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SB Order No 19/2021 Amendment in Para xi of Part A of SB Order No 3412020 regarding.

 SB Order 34/2020

Wherever SB-3 /AOF is not traceable after making all efforts, SPM/APM shall write on the top of the Account Closure/Premature Closure form "Original SB-3/AOF is not traceable after making all efforts" and put signature. No fresh/revised AoF is required in such cases. 

Note: - l. Incharge, SBCO concerned shall keep watch on such post offices which are in the habit of not attaching original SB-3/AOF and giving above certificate on account closure/premature closure form and will report to Divisional Head concerned about that post office for such irregularity. 

2- Divisional Head concerned will conduct an inquiry for non preservation /maintenance/tracing of such an important record i.e. sB-3/AoF in that post office and take necessary action against erring official(s).

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