Something went wrong Applet Successfully Loaded Mantra MFS-100 Desktop Issue - IPPB - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Something went wrong Applet Successfully Loaded Mantra MFS-100 Desktop Issue - IPPB

Many offices where the MANTRA MFS100 Biometric Device is installed are reporting above error while e-kyc authentication of the customer. This problem is due to some configuration issue in the Mantra Device Set up and experienced all over the country with this device. Given below steps need to be performed for solution of this issue (Network Cable of your Desktop should be removed before performing these steps) –

Find Mantra Installation Files Folder (Mantra MFS 100)

In this folder there are two files namely – MFS100 Driver and Mantra RD Service

Right Click on MFS100 Driver File and select option Run as Administrator and you will be directed to MFS100 Driver Setup Wizard. Click on Next, Click on Install, Again click on Install, Click on Finish.

Now, Right Click on Mantra RD Services and select option Run as Administrator. System will prompt as – An old version of app was detected. Do you want to uninstall it. Click Yes here. Again Click Yes for the question regarding complete removal of Mantra RD Service. Then message “Mantra Registered Device Service Production was successfully removed from your computer.” Click OK. System will redirect to Setup Wizard. Click on Next, Next, Install and Finish.

Now connect Network Cable to your Desktop

 Go to Start > Run > and type regedit

Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control

With the control folder selected, right click in the pane on the right and select new DWORD 32 bit Value

Name the new DWORD : ServicesPipeTimeout

Right-click ServicesPipeTimeout, and then click Modify

Click Decimal, type '180000', and then click OK

Restart the computer 

run- services.msc

A list of Services will display on your screen. Here there will be two services namely – 

1.Mantra AVDM and 

2.Mantra AVDM Helper. 

Right click n restart both the services

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