AIPEU AIC (All India Conference) Resolutions | 33rd AIC of All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’ (AIPEU) resolutions 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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AIPEU AIC (All India Conference) Resolutions | 33rd AIC of All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’ (AIPEU) resolutions 2022

Submission of all resolutions as moved and adopted unanimously on 33rd AIC of our union All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’ (AIPEU), held at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab on or from 19.04.2022 to 22.04.2022.

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This is for your intimation that the following resolutions have been moved and adopted

unanimously in 33rd All India Conference of AIPEU Group ‘C’ held at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab on and from 19.04.2022 to 22.04.2022.

1. Against Corporatization move of the Department of Posts.

2. Stop attack on POSB/PLI in the name of floursing IPPB.

3. Scrap NPS and restore OPS for all.

4. On Technological problems and solutions.

5. Five-day Week for Operative Staff.

6. Delinking financial upgradation from regular promotion.

7. Conversion of Single Handed SOs to double-handed.

8. Creation of new posts.

9. Removal of 5% ceiling on compassionate appointment and consideration of all applicants under.

10. Resolution on proposed Recruitment Rules for Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted of all kinds.

11. One-time filling up of all HSG-II and HSG-I posts.

12. Against introduction of rotational transfer of Postal Assistants working at GPO and Independent Class-I Head Postal offices.

13. Dequarterization of post attached quarters below the prescribed SOA and in uninhabitable condition.

14. Monetary recovery and disciplinary action on contributory negligence factor.

15. Counting of past services as R.T.P. for promotion.

16. Performance of Aadhaar Enrollment and Updation Centres functioning in Post Offices.

17. Gazetted Status to HSG-I Postmasters.

18. Financial / Administrative Powers of the Selection Grade Postmasters.

19. Opening of POs on the 2nd holiday in case of 3 consecutive holidays.

20. Delivery of Citizen Centric Services from Post Offices CSCs.

21. CGHS Contribution and entitlement of Wards.

22. Consideration of entire period of treatment and quarantine due to COVID-19 as duty.

23. Resolution on discontinuation of FSC charges and reimbursement of actual FSC Charges.

24. Grant of grade pay of Rs 5400- to HSG-1(NFG) officials.

25. On problem as faced by lady official while delivering services.

26. Counting of Training period for MACP likewise earlier in TBOP/BCR.

27. Creation of LSG/HSG-II and HSG-I system managers posts.

28. Immediate settlement of residual problems arisen due to implementation of cadre review.

29. Grant of special allowance to the System administrator to the extent of Rs.2000 PM.

30. Suggestion for network issue, bandwidth issue, and procurement of hardwares.

31. Request to take suitable action to raise the bandwidth of all offices and providing external antenna and 4G dongle for RICT device.

You are sincerely requested to take further action accordingly.

Resolution – 1

Against Corporatization move of the Department of Posts

The 33rd AIC of AIPEU Group ‘C’ expressed its serious concern over outsourcing and privatization of Postal services. Actually it is not a new phenomenon to us. Mainly after introduction of new economic policies introduced in 1991, as like as many service sectors Govt. of India started outsourcing, shrinking and thereby privatization of Postal services, be in Post Offices, RMS/MMS offices everywhere. If we have a look in last three decades we would see how the govt. of India slowly but steadily tried to implement the prescription of so called liberal economic policy in Postal Department. 

Amendment of Post office Amendment Act 1898, Recommendation of Gita krishnan Committee, Corporate plan for India Post, Introduction of Franchise out lets and National Postal Policy 2012 were amongst them. All these were basically aimed at outsourcing and corporatization and thereby privatization of Postal services and allowing the private couriers legally in postal services.

National Postal Policy 2021 was nothing but a road map to PPP (Public Private Partnership) model with final intention to privatization. Gitakrishnan Committee simply recommended downsizing of C.

G. Departments including Postal Services. In the name of rationalization and optimization of mail operation, Mckinsey Consultancy report for RMS/MMS was also for the same reason. In 2009, the Department tried to abolish 9797 sub post offices throughout the country. But finally at the face of severs challenge, notice of strike from the staff side as a whole they finally retreated. There is a saying, if you want to kill a dog, give him/her a bad name. The Govt. also at several times and ways tried to weak postal services from inside so that people loose their faith on this department and finally room is made for the couriers.

In 2014, within 3 months of its coming to power the NDA Govt. has appointed the high-level Task force Committee headed by Shri T. S. R. Subramanian, Retired Cabinet Secretary to the Govt. of India. The report submitted to the Govt. by the “Task Force on Leveraging the Post office Network” was nothing but a blue print for corporatization and eventual privatization of different services given to the public by the century old Department of Posts, strictly in tune with the reforms agenda of the NDA Government. This committee recommended whole function (services) of the Department of posts in to six unit. 

First five units (Like Savings Bank, Insurance, Business Post etc.) were designated as “strategic Business Units (SBUs) expecting to act as profit centres. Sixth Unit (traditional Postal services) designated as “Communication Delivery Unit” not expected to make profit. Under the Department of Postal Services a Holding Company called “India Post (Financial and other Services)

Corporation would be formed. In the course of time, the Govt. of India has the scope to disinvest part of its holding (share) and allow the new entity (i.e. Corporation) to raise resources through IPO (initial public offer-sale of share) in the share market. Under this holding company five more subsidiary corporation would be formed, on the lines the Telecom was made to BSNL, VSNL and MTNL. The entire social obligation would be thrust upon the Postal Department while Private players will eventually take the creamy part of Department such as Savings Bank, PLI/RPLI, Parcels or Logistics etc. This nefarious design of Modi Govt. was challenged by the staff side and made halt to some extent.

Now when it was the responsibility of the Department to save its employees working in Corona atmosphere, unfortunately department takes this chance and comes out with retrograde agenda of out sourcing and privatization. Already it announced ‘Dak Mitra’. But in our clear opinion this is not ‘Mitra’ rather ‘Shatru (Enemy)’. The proposal circulated is to subsume all existing failed franchises like the postal Agent, OPA and PSSK. This admits that despite the existence of 1-55 Lakhs of post offices, there are further need of post offices mainly in growing area. The correct way and method of meeting effectively such demand is opening of new Post offices and certainly not giving away the Postal operations through franchise. Sudden growth of franchise will only eat into the income of the Department and in no way going to be helpful for the finances of the Department.

Setting up of IPPB and its bitter experiences are very relevant in this regard. No additional gains to the Department so far, but only incurring huge losses in form of expenditure of establishment. From the experiences of Nationalized Banks, there is serious justification to apprehend that in future time will come when this IPPB, working under holding company will grab the Postal Savings Bank.

When we are discussing on ‘Dak Mitra’ meanwhile on 21 Oct’2021, E-tenders on behalf of the President of India have been floated allowing youths to work as MTS in Delivery Post offices on outsourcing basis. The SSPOs, New Delhi Central Division and The SSPOs, Jodhpur already issued consequent notification and it is expected to spread everywhere. Without permanent recruitment,

now the Department will purchase labour at cheaper rate and shouldering no responsibility of the outsourced employees.

As such, expressing serious concern on the issue the 33rd AIC of AIPEU, Group-C held in Sri Anandapur Sahib from 19.04.2022 to 22.04.2022 unanimously resolved for demanding to stop corporatization of India Post in any manner.

Resolution No. 2

Stop attack on POSB/PLI in the name of floursing IPPB

The department functions as the outlet of small savings scheme of the Govt. of India through its vastly spread network at every corner of the country, with about 30 crore accounts and nearly Rs.10 lakh Crore outstanding balance (Annual Report for the F. Y. 2021-22). Apart from this physical enormity, the post office small savings scheme has become a house-hold name, face of the department and has established a bond of trust between the department and the low to middle income group citizens of our country. But the department is inclined and more focused to develop the infrastructure of IPPB and unfortunately spending the lion’s share of the Govt. Allotment for IPPB. In last budget announcement

also, it has been made clear that the intention of the Govt. and the department is to strengthen the IPPB, not the P. O. Small savings sector, though common people relies upon the later. We do not believe that IPPB will serve the purpose of the common people of our country at all and it is being developed as parasite on the department at the cost of the toil and trust built up by the generations of postal employees and workers.

Simultaneously, the interest of the small savings scheme has been drastically reduced gradually to make it less attractive and to discourage people to invest in it. But the reliance of the people could not be deterred as yet. Now it is being declared that CEPT will work for IPPB and provide solutions for them. The entire situation and the line of action are leading us to apprehend that the post office small savings scheme will be destroyed and IPPB will be built up on the huge asset and outstanding balance of small savings schemes, without any contribution of its own set up. We have to form awareness, protest and launch intense movement against the conspiracy to weaken the PO small saving scheme and boost the IPPB by utilizing its resources.

Moreover, it’s a matter of deep concern that on 01st April 2022, one order has been issued from the Postal Directorate details of the direct PLI agents to onboard them as IPPB Business correspondents. The IPPB has done agreement with the Bajaj Allianz to procure insurance business where as the DOP has already running the PLI, this is contrary to the department Rules as IPPB staff compelled to the Postal Staff to procure Bajaj Allianz.

There is no doubt about it that the dedicated workforces of India Post are quite committed to take the Department to a next height which has been proved severally during this COVID-19 pandemic. The Department should have faith on its own employees.

Under the circumstance, the 33rd AIC of AIPEU, Group-C held in Sri Anandapur Sahib, Punjab from 19.04.2022 to 22.04.2022 unanimously resolved to appraise the Directorate to merge the IPPB Ltd with POSB extending all the benefits of IPPB Account through POSB Account to minimize the continuous deficit of the Department and to ensure effective service delivery to the members of public under the goodwill of this glorious Department as well as IPPB may be directed not to make any such agreement with any other institution as this type activity conflict the services provided by DoPT.

Resolution No. 3

Scrap NPS and restore OPS

for all This 33rd All India Conference, while vehemently opposing the new pension scheme introduced from April 2002, strongly urges for scrapping of the scheme in toto. The argument advocated by the Government that the total outgo on account of payments for the existing central government employees has gone up from Rs. 5,206 Crores in 1993 / 94 to Rs. 22, 618 Crores in 2003 / 04 and there is need to switch over from defined benefit pension Scheme to defined contribution  Scheme does not hold water. The value of money and the Indian currency in the global market, the rise in price index and the rise in the rate of inflation are taken into account. As the cost of living steadily increases along with the fiscal standards, the increase shown in the payment of pension is only theoretical.

This conference further notes with concern that the amount accumulated in the pension fund by contributions from the employees and the departments they are employed is proposed to be invested in the trade of the share market. It is everyone’s knowledge that the share market is a heartless giant and the gambling is known for its fluctuations, many of the slumps are deliberately orchestrated to suit the needs of the trade gamblers. The fate of the hard earned money of the employees will be at the mercy of these unscrupulous elements. This is highly unfair and unwarranted.

It is a paradoxical to note that despite the Seventh CPC has mentioned about the NPS and the need to revisit the same, the Govt appointed a committee only to study for further improvement in the scheme which is against to the spirit of the recommendations and also to the demands of the Staff side. The committee has also not yet made any recommendations on this effect and it is in the doldrums. The anger and anxiety of the NPS employees has been neglected by the NDA Govt.

The new pension scheme is against the interests of the employees for the following reason:-

i) It displaces the age-old scheme of social security

ii) The fund raised in the pension will be invested in private share market for which there is no security

iii) The contributory pension scheme does not guarantee the equal share as that of the employee by the Govt.

Hence, this 33rd All India Conference of AIPEU Group 'C' held at Anandpur Sahib, Punjab from 19.04.2022 to 21.04.2022 resolved strongly feels that this anti-employee new pension scheme may be scrapped once and for all. It further demands for the restoration of the original Defined Benefit Pension Scheme. It further unanimously resolves to urge the NDA Govt. to drop the proposal and to

restore the original defined Benefit Pension Scheme. It further hails the Confederation and the NFPE which conducted an exclusive convention at Delhi against the NPS and organised the workers. It is further requested to carry out the programme of action being notified by the Confederation against the NPS demanding to scrap it immediately. It is further requested the NFPE and Confederation of Central Government employees to launch serious programmes demanding withdrawal of New Pension Scheme further with all other C. G. Organisations and Railway Federations.

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