DOP DC DR shifting to IPPB unified DC (Data Centre) DR (Disaster Recovery Centre) at Mumbai and Delhi
No. Tgy-51/8/2022- Technology-DoP
(Technology Division)
Dated —22nd February, 2023
Sub: Approval of shifting DoP Primary Data Centre (DC) at Mumbai and Disaster Recovery Centre (DRC) at Mysuru to unified DC and DR of IPPB at Mumbai and New Delhi respectively-Transition approach.
Ref: Your proposal vide letter No. IPPB/2022-23/CEO/OC-20 dated 05.07.2022 and revised approach through PBI Division's email dt. 29/30.07.2022.
The approval of the Project Steering Committee is hereby conveyed to IPPB on the above subject. Following are the salient points:-
1. DR (DoP) along with DR (IPPB) will be moved first (Interim State 1) at New DR Delhi and made operational.
2. Thereafter, DC (DoP) along with DC (IPPB) will be moved to New DC - Mumbai (Interim State 2). Once the DC at Mumbai is operational the final state of the transition stage would be DC (Both DoP & IPPB) at Mumbai and DR (Both DoP & IPPB) at New Delhi. IPPB is requested to follow the necessary safeguards as detailed in Annexure-E.