Resumption of Mail Services for USA | Resumption of booking/collection of Air Parcel and Air Letter Mail Services for USA.
No. 0A-tI7 2021-DA (Pt.l)
Government of lndia
Ministry of Communicalions
Department of Posts
(lR & GB Divisionl
Dak Bhawan. Sansad Marg
New Delhi- 1 10001
Date:30th March.2022
Office Memorandum
Subject: Resumption of booking/collection of Air Parcel and Air Letter Mail Services for USA.
The urrdersigned is directed to convey that after reviewing the current mail transmission situation. it has been decided to resume Air Parcel and Air Letter mail for USA with immediate effect. Hence, now all categories of mail services for USA will be operational.
2. Circles shall bring this to the notice of all customers as well as display it for public information.